Fundraising Initiatives

Our fundraising goal is based on the cost of our current programming. PAC spends over $1400 per child per year ensuring that each student benefits from enrichment programs that go beyond what other SFUSD schools can offer their students. Funds raised go directly to Japanese Culture & Curriculum, Art, Music, PE, Technology and classroom support.

We raise funds for the Annual Fund/GIVE campaign throughout the year — the PayPal button below is always available!

When we gather for events, we also promote giving back to the community. Events conducted by the community where fundraising is involved include Walkathon (with Second Community), food sales at in-person events, such as Back to School Night and Performing Arts Night, our online Auction, and the Cherry Blossom Festival Udon Booth.

Also, our online store is always open, and proceeds are contributed to our annual budget as well!

give (annual fund)

This is direct giving and the easiest way to financially support our program. Simply make a donation to our charity on Paypal or write a check to Clarendon JBBP PAC. Reminder! See if your employer will make a corporate match. Not sure if yours does? Check this lookup tool or use your workplace giving platform if they have one (eg. Deed).



The Walkathon is a fundraising and community-building event, held jointly with Second Community. It’s a great way for us to raise funds from family, friends, neighbors and community members. It’s also a lot of fun!

To volunteer to help with the next Walkathon, please contact


In the sprint of past years, we’ve hosted an online auction. Everyone within JBBP plus friends and family near can go online and “shop” the multitude of items available—everything from sports packages, childcare options, wine, and gift certificates to restaurants, day spas & tourist attractions. There are even packages created by our own JBBP teachers and families.

We are always looking for great auction items, including timeshares and event tickets.

To volunteer for the auction committee, or to contribute a donation to be auctioned, contact

Info about how to buy items in the auction is posted in the Winter/Spring.

JBBP Online Store

Check out dozens of JBBP-branded items, and support our school in the process with your purchase! There are many different styles of t-shirts, hoodies, aprons, magnets and stickers available.

Sports Basement

You can support Clarendon by becoming a Basementeer! Sports Basement is spinning the traditional “loyalty” program into a win-win for their loyal customers and our community.  Basementeer’s receive 10% and give 10%:

  • 10% off every item every day

  • 10% of profits back to Clarendon

  • Please watch this one minute video to get the idea

On your next visit to Sports Basement, register as a Basementeer and select Clarendon as your beneficiary! 

If you are already a Basementeer member and would like to switch your beneficiary to Clarendon Elementary School, please email to get it changed.

tax id

Parent Advisory Council in Support of JBBP
Tax ID: 94-2783933