JBBP Events

Thanks to the unwavering support from JBBP families, we've been able to host these invaluable school events and cultural experiences every year. Below, you'll find a list of the cherished events our children have enjoyed time and time again!


Tomodachi Auction

March - April
The Tomodachi Auction is one of our largest fundraisers. We auction off donations from our community and local businesses to fund our JBBP program. In 2024, we made more than $30K that helped fund field trips, art programs, technology on campus, and much more.

Submit online bids here: Tomodachi Auction

Tomodachi Live

When: Saturday March 1, 2025

Where: San Francisco State University Annex - Student Life Event Center

Join other Clarendon JBBP families at this year’s community and fundraising event. Enjoy dinner, drinks and entertainment. Live auction, silent auction, raffle and grab-n-go goodies.

Contribute and buy tickets here: Tomodachi Live

Fall 2024 (Sept - Dec)


If you are new to Clarendon for the upcoming school year, please join us for a welcome playdate at Midtown Terrace on Sunday morning. We will have games and snacks and answers to questions you may have. We are so excited to meet you!


Get ready to meet your teachers, other parents, and get a closer view into your child(ren)’s classroom and school experience. Presentations run from about 6:30 - 7:40pm, starting in the cafeteria and then in your child(ren)’s classroom.

Undoukai (sports day)

The annual Undoukai (Sports Day) takes place in the Upper Yard. This is a school-wide event, including both Second Community and JBBP. Each class has signed up for 45-50-minute slots and will participate in the following activities: Rajio Taiso, Noodle Relay, Tamaire (bean bags in a basket), and Re-lei Relay. 

Otsukimi Celebration

JBBP celebrates Otsukimi (Harvest Moon) in October. On this day, children will make dango (dumplings) and create Otsukimi-related art with their buddies.


Walkathon is a joint community effort run by parents to fundraise for our SC and JBBP programs.  The whole community is invited to come out and support Clarendon walkers in person at Lincoln High School’s track.

Performing Arts Night

All the students in JBBP, from Kindergarten through 5th grade, will be singing beautiful Japanese songs chosen by our wonderful music teacher, Ruriko Sensei. There will also be taiko performances and a food sale as a fund-raiser for the upcoming graduation in spring, which has been a long-standing tradition for JBBP.

Winter 2025 (Jan - Mar)


Throughout the month of January, JBBP classes will celebrate the New Year (Oshougatsu), Japanese style. Buddy classes will enjoy making ozouni (mochi with broth), cutting up the vegetables and rolling up mochi. They will also play various traditional Oshougatsu games with their buddies.

Fred Korematsu Civil Rights Assembly

The annual Fred Korematsu Civil Rights Assembly features Mr. Dale Minami who was the lead attorney for the Fred Korematsu’s legal team in the 1983 case of Korematsu v. United States. Mr. Minami will speak to students about Japanese American incarceration camp experiences during WWII, his experiences working with Fred Korematsu, as well as the importance of standing up for what is right and never giving up. Our 4th grade class participates in a play highlighting the experiences of Fred Korematsu. Recordings of the past performance are available here.

Kagamikai Mochi Pounding Performance

Kagamikai has been preserving the traditions of mochi-tsuki since 1989, and some of them are grandparents to current students, some are alumni of Clarendon JBBP, and some are parents of current Clarendon JBBP staff! Many of the students (and teachers) get to participate in the mochi pounding, and every class receive a delivery of mochi with kinako powder (soybean powder) afterwards.

Tea Ceremony Workshop

JBBP students observe and participate in a Japanese Tea Ceremony Workshop led by Mitsuko Omachi Sensei. The children get to enjoy a sweet mochi right before being given a little cup of hot matcha (green tea), which is a nice contrast to the bitter tea. 

Hinamatsuri Celebration

JBBP students have a chance to celebrate Hinamatsuri, or Dolls’ Day (the actual day is March 3rd).  Throughout the day, our students have a chance to take a look at the Hina Dolls in the lobby, sing the Hinamatsuri song, and enjoy sakuramochi with their peers.

Spring 2025 (Apr - May)


April 12-13 & 19-20 2025
The Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival is a tradition where the alliance between Japan and the US is cultivated in San Francisco’s JapanTown. Clarendon students and caregivers participate in the parade as well as running an Udon Booth in the food court. Come join the FUN and volunteer to staff the Clarendon Udon Booth!


May 5th, is “Kodomo no Hi,” also known as Children’s Day, in Japan. It’s a holiday celebrating the health and happiness of children. We celebrate Children's Day at Clarendon, where JBBP children enjoy fresh Kashiwa Mochi, which is a long standing tradition for Children’s Day – to eat a mochi with anko wrapped in oak leaf. Throughout the day, the students have a chance to take a look at the Kabuto in the lobby as well as the Koinobori in the Middle Yard, sing the Koinobori song, and enjoy Kashiwamochi with their peers.


Community Arts & Science Day, also known as CASD, is an event where students get to sign up for different workshops held by parents/guardians. The morning will be dedicated to fun art and science workshops led by parents and community members. In the afternoon we will have our annual Egg Drop!