Move-a-Thon: More Info
Donation Options
1. Immediate donation
Go online to 4AGoodCause
Look for your student’s grade/team and then name (under Fundraisers and Teams) and click on their link.
Donate there on your own student’s page
2. Employer Matching
Did you know companies like these provide Employer Matching?
Adobe, Amgen, Blackrock, Cisco, eBay, Facebook, FTI, GAP, Genentech, IBM, Google, Microsoft, Novartis, Oracle, Pfizer, RBC, SAP, Sony/Playstation, Synopsis, Verizon, Visa, VMware, Wells Fargo
Last year over $20,000 was donated through employer matching gift programs! Check with your HR Department to arrange for employer matching of your donation. Indicate your donation and employer matching in the comments on student page.
Employers to use Clarendon PAC Fed Tax ID:
JBBP: #94-2783933
SCCP: #94-3205047
3. Business Sponsorship
Ask businesses who might be interested in giving us support.
Sponsors can advertise on our website and company logos will be placed on all our Move-A-Thon merchandise forms and activity schedules.
Free Choice Activities
Mt Sutro/Twin Peaks/Laguna Loop - 5.1 miles (
Mt. Davidson Loop - 1 mile and best scenic views in the city! (
Glen Canyon Park Loop - 1.8 miles (
Land’s End Trail Loop - 3.4 miles (
SF Park and Recs online trail guide (
Walk Across the Golden Gate Bridge (and back) - 3.7 miles (
Take a family bike ride on the Great Highway or other slow/closed streets (
Spend a day at the beach - dig in the sand, take a walk to look for shells
Golf or play tennis - SF has 10 golf courses!
Check out a skate-park - Playland, SoMa West designed by legend Tony Hawk! (
Visit Golden Gate Park - Explore the amazing Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park (free, but reservation required), Check out the Lakes; Stow Lake, Spreckels Lake, Chain of Lakes, play bocce ball, disc golf, ultimate frisbee or participate in a free outdoor exercise class, walk, bike, or skate through the park (
Roam the SF Zoo - Our local zoo is 100 acres! (reservations required)