Events 2020 - 2021
Community Arts & Science Day
May 12-18, 2021
Community Art & Sciences Day 2021 (CASD) is virtual, flexible, optional - and FUN!
We invite all students and families to explore the joy and wonder of art and science. We've extended the event for a full week to offer the most flexibility to all.
Welcome PICNIC for New Families
May 2, 2021
For families starting at Clarendon in the Fall of 2021, meet other families and parent leaders at an outdoor event at Midtown Terrace Playground.
March 15-21, 2021
Be a Clarendon MOVER! Encourage our students to stay active and healthy while raising funds to support enrichment programs. These wonderful programs inspire our kids to explore and develop new skills by engaging in Art with Ben, PE with Marc, Music with Lisa & Ruriko and SEL with Kait. Your donations directly support the salaries of these truly passionate teachers. Donations also provide funds for field trips (in-person and virtual), technology support, computer supplies and software programs such as RazKids, IXL and Mystery Science.
Fred Korematsu Day
January 30, 2021
We commemorate civil rights hero Fred Korematsu with performances telling his story. The performance is part of the Clarendon Fred Korematsu Assembly, a whole-school event that celebrated the Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution.